Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You're a Douche: the Hipster

Welcome to the first installment of You're a Douche which spotlights all the douche who boil any true American's red blood each and every day.

Today's douche was inspired by actor Shia LaBeouf's recent stunt. The guy walked down the red carpet at a movie premiere with a bag over his face saying "I am not famous anymore" and has been tweeting it every day for a month.

You're a fucking movie star literally walking down a red carpet but you're "not famous anymore"?

Shia, you're a douche and so are all the hipsters out there who do act like this.

Pretending not to care/know about pop culture

This kills me. All these hipsters out there pretending not to know about newsworthy events. Oh yea of course you're too busy being a hipster to know THAT ITS SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. That's like saying Ryan Seacrest doesn't know when New Years is (RIP Dick Clark). The Super Bowl goes beyond sports fan vs. non-sports fan. Its just a national phenomenon.

Music/Movies "before it was popular"

Hipsters love underground and indie movies and music which I'm totally fine with. Whatever floats your boat. The problem is that if one of these become popular/mainstream the hipster becomes a deer in headlights. If they like something that's mainstream, they will most definitely melt into nothing like every girl's panties around ya boy James Franklin. To combat this and save face, hipsters will tell you constantly how long ago they started to like the band/song/movie. Nice try dickhole.


Hipsters love PBR. Everyone's heard this and it has become a commonly accepted trend. But why? I did some research on the web and apparently back in the late 90s, PBR was considered to be so shitty, such an abysmally terrible beer, that hipsters started to drink it to be ironic. I'm no beer snob but this is straight up retarded and I will say no more.


It looks like they made an entire outfit out of a lost & found in a soup kitchen. Also I will never understand wearing glasses without lenses.

Because of the unfathomable obsession with irony, to the hipster I say, you're a douche.

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