Thursday, February 6, 2014

Who ya gunna call?

Can not help but love Bill Murray, the man is a God among men.  Easily top 5 funniest guys of all time alongside Will Ferrell and John Belushi, but thats for a different post.  Last night among my inebriated roommates and myself something quite interesting came to my attention. We were having a discussion about movies as per usual, when I found out my one roommate had never seen Ghostbusters before. My initial reaction was one of complete and utter shock, and as I screamed and ranted about how he was missing out on a great American classic my other roommate (we'll call him Toon for now) made an interesting point. He stated that while he had seen Ghostbusters in all its Dan Akroyd glory, it was not as ridiculous as I had initially thought. The first roommate (we'll call him The Blowjob King in the North) then pointed out that the movie was indeed made in 1984 and that most likely the majority of people in our class may not have seen the movie either.  Though I began to be swayed, I still stuck to my gut and insisted that most people our age have seen the movie being as bold to say that every 7 out of 10 people our age (20) would have seen the movie.  The Blowjob King in the North as well as Toon both agreed that it would be more along the lines of 3 out of 10. Ultimately we came to the agreement that it was closest to about 50% of youths our age had seen the movie. 
This then spawned another discussion in which we tried to figure out which movie would be unanimously seen by nearly every person in our age group (19-22).  The first two were two huge dosages of nostalgia in The Lion King and Toy Story. We all conceded that if you had not seen either of those movies, as a child you were most likely locked in a dungeon forced to do hooked on phonics for 13 years. The next one was Titanic the uncontested lady boner movie of a lifetime. I personally am the biggest Leonardo Dicaprio fan of all time. If Leo were in a room with Scarjo, Mila Kunis, and Candice Swanpool all together and I was allowed to have sex with all of them I'd kill the three women and beg for Leo's sweet embrace, but I digress. Titanic is a goddamn classic and if you have not seen it at our age then you're tacky and I hate you.  Finally, there is Superbad and fat Jonah Hill (my personal favorite type of Jonah Hill) and the most high school defining movie of our generation. This movie was my freshman year of high school, this is what everyone thought high school was like. I thought I would romp through my high school and have women grind up on me and use me as a tampon. Boy was I wrong, but that may be because I attended an all guys school, but again I digress. Superbad is and forever will be one of the funniest movies of all time, you tell me you have not watched that movie and not drawn dicks all over your notebook I'll call you a bigger liar the Slick Willy saying he didn't have sexual relations with that woman. 
Go have a vagina soaked cigar Chika Chika Yeah Yeah Fake ID Fake ID. 

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