Thursday, July 10, 2014

What's up, Fear?

The mind finds pleasure in abundance. It enjoys ample opportunity and consistent achievement. With opportunity and abundance the mind will foster strong cognitive health, positive emotions, and constructive thinking. However, fear prevents us from capitalizing on opportunity and filling our lives with abundance. Uncertainty can hold you back. Uncertainty breeds fear. If you have an interview for your dream job and doubt creeps in, it’s because you fear you are not good enough. This fear will manifest itself in your body language. It will convey your doubt and uncertainty. People can pick up on your fear and they will punish you for it. When you are run by fear, your life rules you, not the other way around. All the negative feelings we have: doubt, apprehension, anxiety, depression, they all stem from fear. Fear of the world. And fear of ourselves. How do we prevent these feelings from taking over our lives? There is only one answer -- conquer fear.  Face your fears and you will realize that you are living freely. By pushing past your mental limitations and trying new and dangerous things you are exercising your mind. So when you next feel depressed or unfulfilled, anxious, or unworthy ask yourself these questions: Is my depression fear? You are depressed because you fear the path ahead is dark and dreary. Is my anxiety fear? You feel anxiety because you fear you might not get the results you desire. Is your self-doubt fear? You doubt yourself because you fear you are not mentally or physically capable. Ask yourself why you are having these negative emotions and then recognize they are all the children of fear. Then make the active choice to say FUCK FEAR. Face it. Embrace uncertainty. You are a man. Know that by conquering you fears you exercising your brain. You are living beyond of the restraints of your mind and fulfilling your masculine potential. When you face fear nothing is holding you back. You will feel sharp, strong, and confident. Become fearless. A fearless man knows he can accomplish anything.

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